受賞歴のあるベリーズ エコロッジ

マカル川沿いの 175 エーカーのジャングル保護区に位置し、10 棟のくつろげる環境に優しいカバナにゆったりと腰を下ろし、農場直送の料理を味わい、トロピカル カクテルを飲み、インフィニティ プールで涼み、敷地内のロバと一緒に稼働中のオーガニック農場を散策してください。カヌーやチューブで川下りをしたり、ジャングルの小道をハイキングしたり、ベリーズの数多くの自然の驚異やマヤ遺跡への遠足の計画をお任せください。

The image shows a cozy, rustic bedroom with a canopy bed, wooden furniture, large windows, white curtains, and a forest view outside.
A person walking on a cobblestone path through a lush, sunlit forest with tall trees and green foliage, creating a serene and peaceful atmosphere.
The image shows a cozy, rustic bedroom with a canopy bed, wooden furniture, large windows, white curtains, and a forest view outside.
A person walking on a cobblestone path through a lush, sunlit forest with tall trees and green foliage, creating a serene and peaceful atmosphere.

The image features a badge with text: "Featured in National Geographic Traveller Latin America Collection 2024," outlined in yellow with a ribbon shape.

    • A couple is walking hand-in-hand towards a tropical gazebo, surrounded by lush greenery and vibrant flowers, in a serene outdoor setting.


    ジャングル ロッジと恋人同士のロマンチックな逃避行を計画し、忘れられないラブ ストーリーを作りましょう。

    • Three individuals are floating in a river on inflatable rafts surrounded by lush greenery in a forest setting.



    • Two people are in an orchard, picking oranges from trees. One person is reaching up to pick an orange while another stands further back.



