An aerial view of a lush green orchard with neatly planted rows of trees, surrounded by hills and a winding road under a partly cloudy sky.
A hand is reaching to pick green limes from a tree, surrounded by lush green leaves and a blurred background.
The image shows a coconut, a cut orange, three limes, and vibrant pink and white flowers, all arranged on green palm leaves.
Two people are picking oranges in an orchard, with one person reaching up to pick an orange from a tree. The scene is sunny.
A man stands in a sunny, grassy area with two donkeys, each rope-tied, surrounded by trees and sunlight filtering through.
A close-up of a donkey eating a piece of orange being held by a person's hand in an outdoor setting.
A person in an orange shirt is using a stick to reach up into a tree. The background shows green foliage and an outdoor setting.
A man holds a chicken while another hand holds an egg; a young child stands nearby, smiling. They are in front of a chicken coop.
A child in a gray shirt and black shorts is sitting on a log, gently holding a white rabbit on their lap.
Two people are tending to plants in a lush, green garden; one is watering while the other is working with seedlings under a shaded structure.
A close-up of a person's hand harvesting a small red chili pepper from a green plant, with leaves and another smaller pepper visible in the background.
The image shows two people in a grove, using long poles to reach something in the trees. The ground is grassy and there are scattered fruits.

    Farm-To-Table Dining

    One of the very nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating.”


    Our Farm

    “I had rather be on my farm than be emperor of the world.”


    Once a local farm where Belizeans had cultivated corn, beans, and watermelon, Table Rock’s current farm was re-developed after having been abandoned for over a decade. Now a dedicated fruit farm, our major crop is Valencia Oranges. Also growing on the farm are several varieties of mangoes, coconuts, avocadoes, limes, grapefruit, tangerines, breadfruit, sapodilla (chico sapote), starfruit (carambola), craboo, soursop (guanábana), bananas, plantains, guava, chaya (a local green favored by the Maya), and loads of other seasonal veggies and fresh herbs. Visit our flower and plant nursery where we grow the tropicals that are used to decorate and landscape the lodge. The farm is home to a small herd of donkeys, a fluffle of rabbit, and a pair of wily sheep that we raise as pets, as well as a large flock of laying hens that supply us with the eggs used in our restaurant. All of our farm animals receive food scraps from the lodge kitchen to supplement their diets and to aid in our recycling and waste reduction efforts. We encourage you to take a walk around the farm, pet and feed the animals, and help yourself to any of our tropical fruits—our only rule is that you eat what you pick.



    Our culinary team strives to present you with a unique and unforgettable dining experience that will enhance your Belizean jungle adventure. We love farm-to-table cooking, and our gourmet chefs combine the freshest local products with their cooking skills to dazzle you with elegant candlelit dinners served outdoors in our stunning open-air dining room. 

    See Menu

    Our Cookbook

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